Dorset Gardens Methodist Church
Sanctuary Screens: Sandblast to Pyrostop fire-resistant glass
Total Area: 18.2m2
Realisation: Proto Studios Ltd, Glasshouse Fields, London
Installation Date: 2003
The designs for the six Chapel Windows, each measuring 250mm x 2150mm, are abstract, but are based broadly on the movement of water. They refer to Brighton’s geographical location as a seaside City, but also act as a metaphor for water as an agent of physical and spiritual regeneration within the Christian tradition. At the base of each window, the whorl symbol is intended to represent the universe and creative force of God. The windows are designed to enclose the space and create a peaceful and serene atmosphere, suitable for meditation and prayer.
The design for the Cross uses similar watery imagery and movement to that of the chapel windows. Here, the colours move down through the spectrum from the top to the bottom, echoing daytime colours from sunrise to sunset, and thus intimating the passage of time. The arms of the cross depict the crucified Christ’s crown of thorns, and symbolise Christ’s personal suffering on behalf of the world.
The pair of windows on either side of the Communion Platform symbolise the earth and the sea and illustrate the loaves and fishes shared by Christ at the feeding of the 5,000. To the south, the blue window shows seven little fishes in the sea, above which is echoed the spiral whorl symbol from the Chapel windows. On the north side, the warmer-colored window depicts heads of Emmer wheat, representing the bread of the communion and the body of Christ. In this window, the stems rise up from the green grass of the South Downs, relating the imagery, again, to the local geography. This particular variety of wheat was grown on the Downs from prehistoric times, and was the staple grain of the Celtic and Roman inhabitants of the area.
All of the designs have been realised by silkscreening coloured enamel paints onto clear float glass, which have then been kiln-fired to 540˚C. The texture on the Chapel Windows and The Cross has been achieved by slumping the glass over a plaster bed and heat-soaking at 800˚C.
The five panels that constitute the Sanctuary Screens again depict the Emmer wheat imagery from the northern Communion Platform window. This fire-resistant float glass has been etched with white acid to achieve the quality of the design.
Commissioner: Dorset Gardens Methodist Church
Address: St James’ Street, Brighton, East Sussex
Architects: Saville Jones Architects, Worthing